„Home is now behind you, the world is ahead!”

Main aim of this blog / What you can expect

To share with you, all knowledge that I’ve obtained over the last years (not only technical), as well as share and review with you progress of development of an application that I’ve obliged myself to do until 31st of May 2017 (more about that in next post).

You can expect:
* Technical posts from fields among others: data acquisition, data transformation, data visualization, business intelligence;
* Some soft skills and social posts which would be my experience from work and private live on different topics.

Who am I

Programmer sort of, Administrator sort of, Business Analyst sort of.

Working with data for last 6 years in various technologies on different positions, currently as „Lead Business Intelligence Developer” (love this corporate nomenclature …) specialized in Qlik products (Qlik View / Qlik Sense).

Motivation for starting

2 words 10 characters – Get Noticed (http://devstyle.pl/daj-sie-poznac/) – contest organized by Maciej Aniserowicz – many thanks Maciej for the initiative.

Most likely without this contest I would be delaying start of this blog in my special „someday / maybe” box to someday / maybe. However with strict rules of the contest (to post at least 2 blog posts per week) frankly speaking it is a lot easier. Let’s see how the things will go in the future – I’m already 1 week behind the schedule, but will do my best. Fingers crossed Ladies and Gentlemen, and let’s hope that my short-lived enthusiasm will not be a showstopper.


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